Our commitment to restoring the mangroves in Indonesia and to furthering reforestation in the Mediterranean basin was born from a desire to protect the ecosystem on which we depend. We have been aided in this by PUR, a certified B Corp which helps companies restore the ecosystems in which they evolve while at the same time allowing local communities to improve their living conditions.
Support agroforestry in the Mediterranean basin
Corsica Ferries is participating in the "Ici On Sème" project which aims to meet the most pressing needs of farmers and foresters in order to render their plots of land more resilient in the face of climate change.
Corsica Ferries specifically supports agroforestry projects in the Mediterranean basin which reintroduce trees to the agricultural landscape of the South of France.
Download the report.
Help protect the mangroves of Indonesia
Mangroves are made up of vegetation, trees and shrubs which tolerate salt and are situated at the intersection between land and sea in tropical zones.
They grow in extreme conditions (cyclones and intense heat) and in soil which lacks oxygen at high tide.
They play a vital role in the ecosystem by providing a habitat for fish and other species living in the ocean and by protecting the coasts against extreme weather conditions whilst contributing to water filtration.
Furthermore, studies show that mangroves retain up to five times more carbon per acre than mature rainforests.
Indonesia is home to 20 % of the world’s mangroves.
Nonetheless, economic activity linked to fishing and prawn farming is a major factor in their deterioration.
Over half of the mangroves in Indonesia today are damaged and an additional 500 km2 are destroyed each year.
The Jaga mangroves project in Indonesia
Jaga Mangroves means « Protect the Mangroves », and the aim of the Jaga Mangroves project is to support eight communities across the country in implementing measures to restore mangroves.
The aim is to raise awareness and incite involvement within the community by informing its members of the importance of the mangrove ecosystem.
The project also provides training programmes and help in creating agricultural startups and ecotourism activities, all of which contribute to the project’s durability and long-term success.
Our Commitments
We always include respect of the environment in our activities. This means:
- training our crews to respect the environment and to use environmental friendly materials (abolition of plastic bags, using recycled paper for communication purposes...) as well as working hard to reduce the fuel consumption of our ships as much as possible.
- membership in the "Charta Bleue d'Armateurs de France" which undertakes activities to protect the environment and the coast.
With the aim of participating even more in the battle against global warming we will include CO2 reduction into our activities.
- Commitment of our company in a Charta for the reduction of effects on the environment with the establishment of goals to reduce fuel consumption major journeys;
- Commitment of our company to compensate CO2 output by planting trees in a system of lasting agroforestry projects and protecting the natural ecosystem in areas with particularly rich biodiversity;
- Continual information and communication on board our ships to encourage passengers to engage in the same activities as well as to sensitize the crews and partners of our company.